For questions about your order, check out our FAQ page! Here you'll also find answers to some commonly asked skin and hair care questions.
Something not working for you? Or just changed your mind? Email us at to process your return. Visit our FAQ page to learn more about returns.
Can’t find your answer? Or just want to say hey? Email us at hello@cardonskincom. We’d love to hear from you and will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible -- usually that means within 1-2 business days. To ensure you receive our email back and it doesn't go into spam, don't forget to add us to your contacts list!
For press inquiries, please email us at
Something not working for you? Or just changed your mind? Email us at to process your return. Visit our FAQ page to learn more about returns.
Can’t find your answer? Or just want to say hey? Email us at hello@cardonskincom. We’d love to hear from you and will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible -- usually that means within 1-2 business days. To ensure you receive our email back and it doesn't go into spam, don't forget to add us to your contacts list!
For press inquiries, please email us at