Dark Circles Skincare Set

good for:

Dark Circles Uneven Tone Wrinkles

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All work and no play makes for dull skin.

The Dark Circles Skincare Set is perfect for those looking to brighten and revive dull and tired looking skin. Cleanses debris and grime from the day, depuffs and treats under eye bags, and rehydrates while soothing the skin in your sleep.

what's included

What's included

What People Are Saying

"My gf said my skin was looking dry. It’s been a long winter. I tried a sample pack of the face wash and sunscreen moisturizer. I need sunscreen anyway b/c I run and workout outside in the sun whenever I can. Anyway, this stuff has been great. The bags under my eyes look waaay better too. I think I’m committed for the long run lol. I didn’t care about skin care when I was younger, but at 32, it feels right."

Ernest C. | 25-34 | Dry

"The clay based cactus face wash is amazing and the new eye roller has made my eyes not as dark. I’m brown skinned and eye circles are a nightmare for me!"

Leonard R. | 25-34 | Oliy

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